Reading made easy: 7 brilliant tips for reading more in everyday life

Nov 30, 2023
Lesen leicht gemacht: 7 geniale Tipps, um im Alltag mehr zu lesen
Do you love books but just can't find the time to read? Don't worry, we have the solution for you! No matter whether you are a casual reader, a real bookworm or even a beginner in the world of literature - with these 7 brilliant tips reading will be child's play.

Tip 1: Find the right reading material - This makes reading fun

Would you like to read more? Then it is important that you find the right reading material. Find books or comics that interest and excite you. Sign up for a book community platform and browse lists of the best crime novels of all time or search for non-fiction books in your area of ​​interest. Find reading that excites you and reading becomes fun!

Tip 2: Use waiting times wisely - always have a book with you

Use waiting times wisely and always have a book with you! Whether in the doctor's waiting room or in line at the supermarket checkout - instead of staring boredly at your cell phone, just pull a good book out of your bag and let yourself be transported to other worlds. But be careful on public transport – you might miss your stop. Alternatively, try audio books to listen to stories on the go.

Tip 3: Create a cozy reading corner at home

A cozy reading corner at home is crucial. A cozy armchair or a soft couch, perhaps even a small reading area with a shelf for your favorite books and a lamp, create an ideal atmosphere. Candles, pillows and blankets ensure coziness. Reading videos on YouTube or audio books can also provide variety.

Tip 4: Make reading a daily habit

How about a fixed reading schedule? It doesn't have to be boring - a certain routine can be very practical. Find the best times for you, be it in the morning at breakfast, in the evening before going to bed or during break times. Your fixed reading time becomes a habit and reading becomes easier and easier.

Tip 5: Expand your horizons with different genres

Expand your horizons with different genres. Expose yourself to new worlds and perspectives by reading different genres. Try a fantasy book or biography. Thanks to the variety, you can not only expand your vocabulary, but also gain new insights. Variety is the spice of life!

Tip 6: Combine the pleasant with the useful

Audiobooks are perfect for busy people. Whether in the car or jogging – time flies with an audio book. Platforms like Audible or YouTube offer countless possibilities. Lean back, put on your headphones and go on an adventure!

Tip 7: Exchange ideas with other literature enthusiasts

Exchange ideas with other literature enthusiasts! Join online book clubs or discuss on YouTube. Start a reading group with friends and work on books together. Share, discuss and most importantly read! Have you tried all the tips yet? If not, you should definitely do it. Reading enriches our minds and allows us to immerse ourselves in other worlds. With these brilliant tips you will certainly be able to discover even more literary worlds in the future.
