Urban Fantasy Tee milder Chai

Regular price
EUR 14,90
Sale price
EUR 14,90
Regular price
EUR 14,90
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Lose yourself in the flavors of urban fantasy
  • Invigorating to discover hidden things
  • trendy drink from India
  • Tart and tangy black tea blend
  • Delicious with milk as a Chai Latte

Experience a taste experience that takes you to the hidden railway tracks of magical metropolises! The mild chai tea combines warming spices such as cinnamon, ginger and cardamom.

Every sip is like a walk through a magical city where reality and fantasy merge. Sit by the window with an exciting book while the aromatic scent immerses you in the magical stories of your favorite heroes.

Treat yourself to this taste experience that will enchant your reading hours. Your urban adventure begins now!


Entdecke den beliebten Chai aus Indien, eine köstliche Mischung aus schwarzem Tee, Zimt, Kardamom und Inger. Sein einzigartiger würziger Geschmack wird durch einen Schuss Milch perfekt abgerundet!


1 Teelöffel

100 °C Wasser

3 Minuten

Zutaten & Metriken
Zutaten milder Chai Tee

Schwarzer Tee Assam, Ingwerstücke, Zimtrinde, Aroma, Kardamom;

Gewicht, Portionen & Dimensionen

Dose: ca. 150g | ca. 85 Portionen | 85 x 128mm (D x H)

Nachfüllbeutel: ca. 170g | ca. 110 Portionen | 160 x 270 x 80mm (LxHxB)

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